I played this game for Pay or Play 2nd Cycle of 2024 and it was picked for me by La Volpe.

Telltale revolutionized the ground-breaking choice and consequence game mechanics with their The Walking Dead Series. Now they delivered us a dark and moody thriller based on the Fables comics, The Wolf Among Us.

You play as Bigby Wolf, also known as The Big Bad Wolf, who acts as the Sheriff of Fabletown, a community made for the fables who had to leave their home behind and enter the world of the regular people. The game delivers a mature and gritty take on characters from fairytales, legends and folklore who have escaped into our world and has you hooked on it's story from the get go.

The story spans across 5 episodes that have 5 chapters in each of them. It has twists and turns, excitement and emotion at every turn and a thrilling ending that can change depending on your choices. The story absolutely doesn't disappoint and it was such a blast to play through.

The game isn't even that hard to 100% either, as most achievements are automatic as the story progresses, though some require you to do different choices, for collecting all entries for the book of fables. Thankfully that has been made easy with the replay option after you have completed each episode. I did that at the end once I had completed the whole game and it took only a few moments.

I would definitely recommend this game to anyone who enjoys Telltale games and story-based games. While everyone still clings to the hope of a second season, I personally am just really happy to have experienced this game. Definitely worth your time!

💗 This game was gifted to Indie Therapy for review.

Thanks mom is a.. confusing platforming game? Question mark? I wasn't really sure what the heck was going on... I didn't really enjoy it. Something about babies, pregnancy and cow butt. I know this review is a little sparse, but I really don't know what to say. It was just.. bad in my opinion.

I wouldn't recommend it honestly. I guess if you want some weird stuff then sure.

💜 This game was gifted to Catizens Curations for review.

Cute game filled with 100 hidden cats! The artwork is simple yet very cute. Finding the cats were very easy though, and I would have wished for a little bit more of a difficulty, or more levels to balance out the game being so easy to complete. It took me a whopping 3 minutes to complete.

Definitely a great free addition to the hidden cats assemble of games, but I hope they add updates in the future for the game to have more content! If you want to support the developer, they also have a DLC level that you can get for under 1€. It adds another 100 cats, but doesn't add any new achievements, so it's not a must if you just want to 100% the game.

I will definitely recommend it, since it's a free game with cute cats, but don't expect a huge amount of gameplay in this one!

💜 This game was gifted to Catizens Curations for review.

Nukearts Studio once more deliveres an amazing success of a game in their series of hidden cat games. Like it's predecessors, Hidden Cats in Berlin delivers an impressive array of details in it's artworks, with cats hidden in multiple different places and a couple of different modes to enjoy. You start with an uncolored illustration and it gets colored as you find more and more cats until the last one is found and the final awesome artwork is revealed in all of its beautiful color.

You get to play through two different modes of the main game, normal and advanced, as well as extra kitten levels that are unlocked from finding special named cats in advanced mode! There is also a big bonus level, which is unlocked by doing all of the bonus kitten levels. It's similar to what they started to include in their few previous games.

The game is relaxing and addictive like all the games in the series and I would highly recommend this game wholeheartedly, not just on sale, but even with full price as it is not only cheap, but supports the developers to make more of these amazing hidden cat games! Try it out!

It was okay! The adult scenes were cute and wholesome, but it felt like the story was zooming forward and there wasn't much to it in general. It was also unfinished and from what I read around it seems that the creator has disappeared, so it will probably never get finished.

Either way it was free, fun artstyle and rather wholesome for a gay adult VN game. It's alright, but could have been better.

💜 This game was gifted to Catizens Curations for review.

Hop on and drive into the colorful adventure of this very cute game! You play as Corbid, a cute elephant, with the power of color on their side. You meet a cute friend, Poppy the axolotl, who helps you on your adventures.

You play your way through two different gardens which contain a few different levels and a boss "fight" for each. It's a very well made and enjoyable game, with cute enemies and a colorful look. The enemies in this game are defeated non-violently, so it's a very lovely game for children. The puzzles in this game include simple navigation, complex paths to unlock doors, use pressure plates and switches, targeting, navigating through different slimes, finding the different colors, combining them and more!

I absolutely enjoyed the game, the first garden was rather simple, but it was clearly meant as a "teaching the basics" kind of stage. The second garden was a little bit harder and it had me scratching my head at some times, but it was still rather simple and great for kids as well! I also read some reviews where people said there had been some bugs, but for me, I encountered none, so I believe they had fixed them rather quickly.

In conclusion it's a very lovely and enjoyable game in my opinion! Definitely worth the price it sits at and it was super fun. Absolutely recommended!

💗 This game was gifted to Indie Therapy for review.

In a world where the oceans are burdened by humanity's neglect, Clean the Sea! challenges you to pilot a lone vessel on a noble quest: cleanse the waters, rescue marine life, and turn the tide on pollution. As you progress in the game, you'll witness impact of your efforts, bringing life and color back to the areas that you've cleaned.

Alright, so, I really like these types of games where you do a task, get currency, improve your tools to get better at the task, then get more currency to improve your tools more, and the cycle goes on and on as long as the game goes on. This game was fun in that regard, though I feel like it would have needed some more things and better optimization in collecting and currency accumulation.

It only took an hour to 100% the game and clear all the areas currently available. It's a short game, and I feel like it would have been better if it took a little longer with more content. Sadly, you have to pay to get to the next areas, so if you focus on upgrading, you hamper your own progress and make it slower. The new trash accumulation is not fast enough for proper currency accumulation, so when you play like that it slows down a lot. Though, once you reach a bank, you can turn coins into cash and it will get a bit better.

Despite this, I did enjoy the game! I do think there could be some upgrades however: balance trash accumulation with upgrade costs, maybe add more different upgrades, the game needs to have an option to change the music volume, not just turning it on and off and the different levels could be a little bit different from each other.

I will say I recommend this game because I do think this would be a really good game with a little bit more work! The price is really good though, compared to what it is now!

It's a good little digital storybook. It's not a game at all, but it was fun little thing from Might and Delight developers. I love the artstyle of Might and Delight games, so getting a little storybook from them is amazing. The stories are small short stories about fables about different kind of animals. The fables have good sayings and meanings and it would be great to read for children!

💜 This game was gifted to Catizens Curations for review.

Minicactus Games once again delivers an amazing puzzle game, this time with a lovely pixel art style and SO MANY CATS! Cats Balance is such a fun balancing puzzle game with a bunch of different stages with varying levels of difficulty, a fantastic soundtrack that is very calming and a cute black cat cheering you on all the way to the end.

It's super cheap and great quality for what it is worth. My only complaint was that it felt like the game was completed a little too fast, so there could have been something more in it. Can't really say what that more could have been though, haha.

Either way, its an amazing little game and I definitely recommend this wholeheartedly! It was such a blast to play!

💗 This game was gifted to Indie Therapy for review.

Similar to the popular Suika Watermelon Game, Bubble Dogs is a puzzle game where you must combine family of dogs (mother, father and their pup) to clear them from your board. You drop down bubbles of dogs from the top, and try to make combinations. The more combinations you get, there more points you get and you also get special items as well.

I wasn't really a fan of this one. I played a similar Suika game earlier called Zooplop, which was very enjoyable, but this one felt a little too rough around the edges. With some refinement however, you could make the game worthy of the player's time.

It's a really cheap game though, and if you want a simple game to play, you could probably enjoy this one. Still, I wouldn't personally recommend this one.

I won this game through SteamGifts.
I played it for Pay or Play 2nd Cycle of 2024 and it was picked for me by Escollo.

Metal: Hellsinger is a rhythm based FPS game where you need to fire, reload, dodge, murder and mayhem to the beat of the soundtrack. It is really a lovely game, with amazing gameplay and smooth experience even for those of us who suck at rhythm based games.

In the game you play as The Unknown, who has lost her voice to The Judge, and her journey is narrated by this skull, who you can also use as a weapon on your journey. She wants her voice back, and she's going to get it by force. The story was pretty good, I do think there was some things that could have been better, and I feel like the game doesn't shine in this aspect, but it was not bad at all.

Many reviews on steam say that it's basically a really awesome album that comes with a free game attached. That's a pretty accurate statement in my opinion. The soundtrack is absolutely a banger and I really, really, really, REALLY need it to come to spotify. I am still hopeful, even after all this time since release.

I played the game on the easiest difficulty and with the "always on beat" setting, because I remembered playing the demo when it was about to release and having rage quitted it, because I just couldn't do it. It's not you, it's me situation lmao. I can't do rhythm games, but this was absolutely one of those games that I had to experience myself.

Now, I know i've talked about the game already a lot, but let me just say, the final battle with my favorite song from the soundtrack, No Tomorrow (featuring Serj Tankian), was SO GOOD! Like, the song makes it 100x times more amazing and cool. It's just so beautiful. I loved every second of this.

It's definitely a game I'd recommend for anyone who enjoys rhythm based games, and FPS games similar to DOOM. It is absolutely worth every penny it costs.

A melancholic love story between a woman, named Clarisse (main character name can be changed), escaping her busy life as a surgeon and the spirit of a deceased young man, named Nathan. On a fateful day, they are led together by the spirit of Nathan's dog, Ulysses, the most goodest boy.

Autumn Spirit is a lovely, yet surprisingly emotional visual novel styled game with an amazing story and characters. The game left me in tears and the emotion that the characters had was felt by me through the screen very strongly. The dog was also a great addition to the game and it made me sad at times.

I highly recommend this game, definitely worth every penny I spent on it!

It was one of my favorites, though nothing beats ezio trilogy.


I played this game for Pay or Play 2nd Cycle of 2024 and it was picked for me by Escollo.

Stray is a third-person cat adventure game set amidst the detailed, neon-lit alleys of a decaying cybercity and the murky environments of its seedy underbelly. You get to play as a cute orange cat who gets separated from it's family and the goal is to find your way back home to the outside world. Time to solve the mysteries of this unwelcoming place inhabited by curious droids and dangerous creatures and make new friends along the way!

It's an absolutely fantastic story with fun gameplay and lovely characters. The main character, the stray cat, is adorable and has very realistic cat movement and mannerisms. Your companion droid, B-12, that you meet along the way, is very adorable little robot with an interesting backstory that unravels as you go forward and collect it's memories along the way.

I felt like this game combined some of my favorite things about games; cats, exploration, collectibles, emotional turmoil and impressive scenery. It really was one of the more enjoyable gaming experiences I have had the pleasure of playing. The soundtrack was also super good and I can't wait to give it a listen later and add it to my spotify list.

I think this is one of those games everyone should play! So I highly recommend this to anyone who is atleast a little bit interested, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

I played this game for Pay or Play 2nd Cycle of 2024 and it was picked for me by La Volpe.

As an operative tasked with fixing corruption in the timeline, you have been sent to the North of England in May 2015, where six people died in a house fire. Prohibited from simply stopping the fire, you must instead manipulate the choices made by the housemates in the week leading up to it so that they all survive the event.

Eternal Threads is a single-player, first-person story-driven puzzle game of time manipulation, choice and consequence. You watch through scenarios to unravel the personal stories of the six people you are tasked to save, while changing their choices along the way to make sure they survive the night of the fire. You can also work through their personal issues while you are at it, which leads to a "perfect ending".

It's definitely an awesome storytelling game that is well written and it combines the ordinary together with the futuristic mundane. It was really hard to just stop playing and I felt like I could have played it from start to finish in one setting if I had the time. The stories of the different characters were very good and really had me hooked. The burned down house was at times creepy and gave a little bit of suspense to the whole game while playing.

The game wasnt too difficult to 100% and I really had a blast while playing it. It's definitely a good game to play if you enjoy choices, time manipulation and a good, well written story. Highly recommended!