The best spin I could ever ask for, I just need to play it more. Peggle + rogue-lite = perfection.

A very enjoyable arcade style game, I wish I had found the game sooner.

If I still had my account way back when on my phone this game would be better than BTD6 and BTD5. Amazing game, Cobra can eat it.


Amazing couch multiplayer game, just wish I had friends that would play this with me.

Big band is only redemption for this game for me, not a fighter gamer man.

Don't like horror, but this was the perfect in between and quite enjoyable.

Really quick and fun difficult game. I really liked trying to speedrun the game.

Nice speedrunner platformer, I would've been stuck on this game if I had played it a year or two before I got it.

I did not beat the game but I don't think I need to to say this concept is really cool, and honestly I did enjoy it for the little time I did play it. Also very difficult to move and type.

A masterpiece, with incredible combat, and an amazing story.

The game was better closer to start when it reached a huge amount of hype, loved playing it a lot with one of my friends, but the game just kept getting worse.

I sold a black market that I traded up to for $25+, I paid off the game cost :)