I've been wanting to write a review for this game ever since I finished it a few days ago. Actually, I've been thinking about what I wanted to say, how I wanted to say it.
I could never really come up with the right words, if I'm being honest. Even know, I hold so much love for this game, I can't even express it.

It's a buggy mess. Getting from one place to another can be frustrating. Things are easy to miss, sometimes confusing. But I utterly, horribly adore Beeswing. It made me feel as if I was talking to an old friend, only that I had never met this friend before.

I remember playing it in one sitting, only stopping at some point because I realised I was crying a bit. Not because something particularly sad happened (although there's some heart-breaking stuff in there) but because the story I was experiencing suddenly made me feel very raw and vulnerable.

I've grown up in a town like Beeswing and I only faintly remember all the people I've met there, even though they used to mean the world to me. I wonder where they're now and I kinda wonder what I could ever say to them to make up for all the time I haven't been thinking about them. So many lives that I didn't get to share with them.

I think I'm gonna hug my friends a bit more tightly next time I see them.

Reviewed on May 19, 2023
