I hate that the ds version HAS to have the American name

This is another important ds game for me. It has some of the more creative uses of the ds hardware as a whole, a fun story and the soothing Ost on the console. Getting the good ending here is kinda unfair since it's requirements are set up where a replay will most likely still miss obvious ones, but it's short length probably makes that sting a little less. I myself at least can replay it anytime.

I hate that this became a reddit game cause it was pretty much my high schooler game. I still rock to the music, I love the designs and it's attitude, and even though it's combat can be a little stiff compared to other action titles, I'm too much in love with it's aggressive spirit to care. Top 5.

I can't be unbiased with the most important game of my life. Saying it has the best story in gaming is kinda stupid, but everything else around it make for such an cozy and valuable experience many kids like myself had.