
Lego island doesn't exactly work so well on my computer, when i try to exit it crashes instead and none of the vehicles but the skateboard seem to work, meaning i can't exactly...progress. It's a small ass game but it's very like, weird and interesting. Lots of mid 90s pc games for kids are , really, maybe i should check some more out.

Everyone on the island is immensely frightening by the way aand playing this the first time is like a near death experience

Reviewed on Feb 10, 2022


2 years ago

when i was a kid, i'd be playing lego island in my basement and it'd psyche me out of so much that i'd run upstairs in the middle of a session

2 years ago

not sure if you downloaded the Lego Island Rebuilder launcher, but it should make it work if you didn't.

2 years ago

ooh, noted