This is...awful. I'm not sure if it's just a shitty porting job or what, but this is nigh unplayable. You have NO invincibility frames, and even the most basic enemies will reduce you to worm food in less than a second. Not helping is the feeling that your hitbox is a bit larger than you yourself. Some of the enemies take way too many hits as well, worst of all being these spiders that the game loves to throw at you around the middle of its runtime.

Here's a trick you can do. You can actually clip through walls to take shortcuts (or fall and die usually), you wanna know how? Literally just hold left and right at the same time. How do you not catch that? That's game breaking! And also, why was some of the level design so obtuse that I found myself using it just to make progress??

The bosses are unbearable, they all are way bigger than you and there's never a safe spot away from them, meaning they'll always chew through your lives and you get no say in it at all. I watched the Amiga version and this doesn't seem to be entirely the case there, so maybe it's another sign of a shitty port? I don't know, man. I think even otherwise it's just kind of a shitty game for starters. I heard the playtesters were often smoking weed in another room according to an interview, and whether or not it's bullshit I really think it checks out. Moral here, do not bother with this one, try Super Turrican instead. Can't speak on Turrican II or Mega Turrican yet, maybe some day though.

Reviewed on Jun 09, 2022


1 year ago

Forgot to mention the kino sausage robot.

1 year ago

there's also the sausage robot he's another one who takes a fuckton of hits but immediately evaporates you

1 year ago

play mega turrican 👍