Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle gets a lot of flack, and I would not argue it isn't deserved, but 1) I have a soft spot as mentioned before, and 2) this installment in particular completely triumphs it in stupidity, and the few other games in the series really don't sound promising either.

Well the title is entirely misleading right off the bat, "High Tech World" is actually just some arcade Alex here is absolutely dying to visit before it closes at, uh, 5 for some reason. You're actually going to be spending most of the game in your goofy ass designed house, playing completely obtuse guessing games and being sent right back to the start by various non threats. There are passwords in the game, but the first one you get is after this segment, so tough shit if you mess up here! Lovely! If you come through, there's actual platforming and enemies and all that jazz afterwards, but it sucks ass as well. There are always these ninjas hopping around and throwing shit at you constantly, and they leave little to no room for error whatsoever. I'm honestly not sure which segment I prefer less.

After that, there's more guessing bullshit in some town (which does not contain the arcade), then more bad platforming, and the game's over. "High Tech World" seems to only have one arcade machine front and center. Alex seems satisfied, but I would be fucking pissed if I went through all that trouble to get to such a lousy arcade. I feel like I wasted my damn time. Imagine if Sega went all the way with this lad instead of Sonic. They would totally eat shit.

Reviewed on Jun 11, 2022


1 year ago

Man I cannot wait to get to the other Alex Kidd games they all sound dreadful.

1 year ago

It's not a good game and my rating is strictly from my hate-nostalgia for it, where I put in way too many hours figuring all that stuff out in the house just to get outside. I honestly don't even remember the town, now -- probably because 99% of my runs ended with me turning off the game or running out of time. Pretty sure when I finally got out of the house, I did the rest of the game in one go. If not, I'm blocking out painful memories I don't want to remember. Also, Enchanted Castle is fine. Still hate RPS bosses, but it looked and sounded nice enough.

1 year ago

I like how at least once a week someone I follow drags Alex Kidd. Fuck him up!