One of Toaplan's two horizontal shmups that I know of, the other being Zero Wing. They're not so different at all, they're lengthy and dull and boring to look at, meanwhile the music does the best job out of anything on display.

This one has a pretty irritating mechanic with the weapon switching, though. You have four modes to switch between: pink (shoot forward), yellow (backward), green (verticals), and blue (diagonals). You'll need to use each of these pretty often, so a lot of switching around is done. The thing, though, is that you can only cycle through them in that order. So if you need to alternate back and forth between pink and yellow (which would be awfully convenient at various times), well then tough shit for you because you can't immediately go to pink from yellow, and you have to cycle all the way around until you get back there. It seems minor, but it really is annoying especially later on. Definitely bogged the experience down some.

Reviewed on Jul 16, 2022
