played as Marge
featuring MagneticBurn as Homer

I'm not really good at beat em ups or anything, so I oftentimes can't really tell the better ones apart from the weaker ones unless it's glaringly obvious. As far as this one goes it seems to have a lot of people on both sides, but I enjoyed it a lot personally. The art is obviously the primary selling point, but actually playing it was a lot of fun too. The two of us spent ~39 credits total so it probably wouldn't be ideal in an actual arcade setting, but as far as actually beating any arcade games that seems to be common amongst a ton of them so I don't know how good or bad that amount is to begin with.

Reviewed on Sep 12, 2022


1 year ago

you forgot to put cowabingus in your review

1 year ago

I willnot say this

1 year ago

played as Marge

1 year ago

homer voice "Homer"

1 year ago

dont' have cow