Mediocre / Low rated games I wish I could play

I hear these are bad...
Curiosity, novelty, or historical significance makes me want to play them anyway.

I haven't played these, so they might not belong here, let me know if any of these don't qualify as bad games


Alfred Chicken
Alfred Chicken
(PS1 remake) seems to have boring and repetitive level design, but I'm drawn to this for... Some reason, it might be the surreal off-kilter character and environment design.

Looks cozy but also a super boring snoozefest, mindless gameplay. I don't know it just looks weird and I want to try it.

I guess I have nostalgia for euro-kid friendly platformers, and I grew up with the Snes version which I never liked that much either, but have good memories surrounding it, supposedly this is far worse than the original.


Alundra 2: A New Legend Begins
Alundra 2: A New Legend Begins


Asterix & Obelix XXL
Asterix & Obelix XXL
(GBA) I kind of want to play this just to marvel at the visuals, it doesn't look fun


Bubsy 3D
Bubsy 3D
I really like early 3D games, even if it's flawed
I want to try to beat this game just because almost no one else has the patience for it.

Might just be more fun than it looks but I might never know. I can't actually justify buying it


Club Drive
Club Drive


Dirt Racer
Dirt Racer
I like the look of FX chip games a lot, I liked Stunt race FX, I'd probably at least like seeing this one in person even if it runs at sub 10 frames per second


Gekisou Sentai Carranger: Zenkai! Racer Senshi
Gekisou Sentai Carranger: Zenkai! Racer Senshi
Mediocre, very short, rare and expensive as heck Beat-em-up

looks alright, very polished late era looking sfc game, that requires a strange proprietary aladdin deck enhancer/game genie style cart to play


Hirameki Action: Chibikko Wagyan no Daiki na Bouken
edutainment DS game, even if I had a copy the language barrier would prevent any amount of fun I could have with it.


Hotel Mario
Hotel Mario


Insect War
Insect War
Using this in place of the 3DO game by the same name, not whatever this flash game is


Kang Fu (1996)
Kang Fu (1996)
It looks abysmal but it's so weird an un-apologetic-ally experimental I'm curious enough to try it


Kishin Douji Zenki FX: Vajra Fight
Kishin Douji Zenki FX: Vajra Fight


Knight Arms
Knight Arms
Panzer Dragoon switching view gimmick in a rail shooter years before that game, but it's not very polished or intuitive.

Wonderful sound and visuals

It's a shame the way I play won't allow multi-disk games, I can only play the first part.


Mr. Nutz: Hoppin' Mad
Mr. Nutz: Hoppin' Mad


Panzer Dragoon Mini
Panzer Dragoon Mini


Red Alarm
Red Alarm


Sega Mega Anser
it's an online bank utility cart

It's so weird this exists at all I kind of just want to look at it, the music is trippy but well done.


There's no way I'll ever have access to an amiga CD32, and this game is the opposite of fun, so I can't justify buying it.

But the music is So good, I want to experience it "in person"


Super Mario Bros. Special
Super Mario Bros. Special
For curiosity sake


Super Tempo
Super Tempo


Team Innocent: The Point of No Return
Team Innocent: The Point of No Return


Top Banana
Top Banana
Too weird not to play
Like a fascinating trainwreck, a disaster I can't look away from. So garish and hyper-intense.


A curiosity. Looks so boring to play, but that soundtrack...
Besides the pre-rendered visuals look kind of nice, doesn't look as bad to play as other games by ocean. PAL only and very rare


Digital Dreamware
Digital Dreamware


Knuckles' Chaotix
Knuckles' Chaotix
Ok this one is definitely not that bad, but I don't think I'd enjoy it that much


Star Goose!
Star Goose!
I have some nostalgia for the DOS version of this game, i was very young and didn't know any better, the game ran way too fast but we just thought that's how it was supposed to be.

"interesting" isometric grid perspective, very janky game due to incompatibility I'll never have a way to play it.


Tarot Mystery
Tarot Mystery
Specifically for the Bandai Pippin version

The music on the Snes version is incredible, it's an absolute crime the uncompressed Pippin version is the equivalent of so called lost media, I have no doubt it holds incredible audio tracks.

Have you ever tried to find a Pippin game? Ever seen one for sale? I couldn't find a copy of this if my life depended on it. It may as well not exist, no footage online either. It's more of a tool than a game, no real content or in to be had. It's probably not technically bad for what it is, it probably is fine for a tarot game but I have no interest in it.

I find the occult nature of it to be off putting so I don't even technically want to play this, I just want to rip the ost and share it with the world, and maybe see a few cool trippy background animations it has.

I'll never stop searching, and I'll never find it.


Tetrastar: The Fighter
Tetrastar: The Fighter
hurts my eyes with all the flashing, doesn't look that fun either, but it's very impressive


Tryrush Deppy
Tryrush Deppy
Cho Ren Sha 68K
Cho Ren Sha 68K
Using CRS68k in place of Chobi Ren Sha since it's not in the database.

A very strange parody version of Cho Ren Sha, unlike that game there is no Windows PC port.

probably doesn't qualify as a "bad" game, it's a joke version that isn't meant to be taken seriously, has the same gameplay as a very very good game, its just the ridiculous sound effects, odd music, and MS paint looking bosses that make it "kusoge" but on purpose


2 months ago

I was playing that asterix and obelix game recently and yeah, it is phenomenally impressive but it isn't that fun, a lot of slap combat and awkward depth perception. it was nice though bcs my coworker asked for an example of what bad texture warping looks like and I could show him a video of the game to make it apparent

2 months ago

join the club on kang fu buddy ive spend like 2 days trying to get that thing to emulate and it just wont

2 months ago

It sounds like the impression I got from it was right then, the combat looked boring it seems like more of a tech showcase. Yeah I saw the texture warping too, it looks like it's really intense in that game.

2 months ago

I'm glad it's not just me, a lot of old British platform games are hard to get running

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