One of the best action/platforming titles of the PS2 era. Kind of annoyed I never beat it. Was this the first game to have the wall-running mechanic? I think it might be.

Its a pretty dope game, I've got a feeling it wont have aged so well, as so many games have stolen its gameplay but done it a lot better since.

Reviewed on Apr 03, 2023


1 year ago

"Was this the first game to have the wall-running mechanic?"

Definitely not. Jedi Academy came out a month earlier and had that mechanic too. But I don't think it was the first either. Hard to imagine nobody would've implemented wall-running until 2003.

1 year ago

sonic adventure 1 had wallrunning

1 year ago

Well, Sonic doesn't count cause he breaks like 50 laws of physics in that game. It's not really wall-running when the walls aren't performing the function of walls.
Just because a game was released slightly earlier, doesn't necessarily mean they thought of the mechanic first...

But yeah I cant remember a game before 2003 that had wall running, correct me if im wrong. And yeah Sonic doesnt count lol