One of those games my wife wanted to watch me play, and therefore I could only play when she wanted to watch, but then she got distracted by Drag Race or sutin.

Okay so I went back to this and finished it in two twelve-hour sessions, by purely focusing on the main thread, and had a very good time.

There's so much I didn't do, so much text I didn't read, but I honestly don't feel like I missed out. If anything, leaving so many aspects unexplored deepened my appreciation. A bunch of mad shit happened and I don't fully understand it because I was just trying to do my job. Emails pinging back and forth but I can't read them right now, sorry, I'm ziplining.

Been a while since I played something so big and bold and weird and unique. And once I realised that I could easily ignore all the stuff I didn't have time for, I had a great time.

Oh hold on it hasn't finished yet, BRB.

Okay I'm done.

Reviewed on Jan 26, 2021
