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This game is so good that it awoke me to the genuine quality and substance that video games can have. Metroid Dread is electric, it captivates you with the atmosphere it creates which is alien, intriguing and if I'm being honest down right scary. The game is incredibly difficult but never feels punishing. Instead of every death feeling like a defeat or a problem with the game, they instead encourage and teach you to get better at the game's core mechanics. This is made explicitly clear when the game tells you that every single attack from an enemy is avoidable. This results in one of the most rewarding game play loops of all time, as every loss is your fault (Disregarding incredibly rare bugs.) The only problem I had was that I got lost a few times, however this was admittedly due to it being my first foray into metroidvanias, with many veterans of the genre mentioning how the game is actually comparatively linear. Metroid Dread's impeccable game design, taught me how to play video games, even though I've played them my whole life and that is certainly an impressive feat.