11 reviews liked by Jkhg102

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need to divide my thoughts on this one

-I absolutely loved the style
-the soundtrack is great although it gets repetitive very fast
-very solid main cast (beat in particular).

-gameplay was great in concept but actually terrible in all the options they give you, I found myself situationally switching between handheld and tv mode for different bosses. It was so close to doing something interesting pretty well.
-mostly unfun boss fights as a result of this
-kind of anti climatic ending that also didnt make much sense (I need to read up on a lot but as someone who knew that certain character should be suspected (didnt know what they were), I was very let down that the game just ended after the reveal.

I have a lot of researching into the bonus content to do because I really want to like this game but maybe the sequel will do it for me

A beautiful yet overambitious epic. The only flaws exist in disc 1 with dungeons and long portions being extremely boring, feeling like a rough attempt from a dev fresh off final fantasy. While despite disc 1 still being fun and having a lot of great characters, arcs and moments, disc 2 showed the game's true colours. The momentum the game needed - THE XENO came into play and it showed that this game has one of the greatest outlines for a story of all time. I, like many others, strongly wish the game had put more effort into this stretch of the story over disc 1 but despite this, the dodgy presentation of disc 2 didnt hold it back at all.

For what it was for the time and how the outline of perfect works still holds up among the most well thought out pieces of fiction ever told, it's safe to say Takahashi had a masterpiece in his hands with this one. I'm glad he has the chance to recreate it through Xenoblade but deep down, I hope this version of his universe gets to see the light someday. 9.5/10

Shenmue was the most comfortable game I've ever played in my life.

Playing a Japan simulator, waking up early in the morning irl and ingame, going outside and running around Sakuragaoka while it was rainy IRL and also rainy in the game, while it played the FREE 1 soundtrack, just going around talking to people... It's so soothing, it made my entire being relaxed, immersed. I felt true happiness, a true sense of belonging in that world Yu Suzuki created. I wish this game was infinite and we were allowed to just live there forever.

mc more autistic than me, highly recommend



i have thalassophobia but i absolutely LOVE this game. gorgeous visuals and storytelling.





Got the gameplay
Got the looks
Got the soul
a truly beatyful experience

cracked (me) game(r) (me) for deranged (me) people (me)

It ends up greatly improving the original game, explaining some things that were left unanswered while leaving new questions.