Just a shitty port, play the original instead.

The new modes are nothing to write home about and the camera is horrendous.

Little Timmy's first puzzle game.

Gacha is always trash but this is bad even by those standards. The simplicity of the gameplay makes it reach levels of boredom I didn't even know existed.

I wanna meet the people who decided that focusing on combat and random generated missions were good ideas for a Scribblenauts game.


gas -g-g GASGASGAS g-g- gas gas

This review contains spoilers

Act 1 is amazing, then the game gradually decreases in quality each Act in service of some quite dumb (and honestly uninteresting) meta stuff that has been done a million times already. The Archivist and Golly were fun bosses but through Acts 2 and 3 I was mostly wondering "Why am I playing this inferior card game instead of the cool one I was playing earlier?"

How do you fuck up at a jigsaw puzzle game?

Extremely charming and creative game, it's a bit too easy, but it's still really fun. The game keeps throwing new things at you so it never really gets stale. The inclusion of mini-games is also an incredible change of pace every now and then and adds a lot to the game.

God why did I beat this whole thing in a day and why did I start with World 9 instead of 1?

It's a fine puzzle game, but man does it get tedious. It feels so dated with every movement option going at least five times slower than it should. Aside from making it a lot more boring this can even make you fail sometimes, I've had to restart levels due to the game not registering my movement properly a lot more than I would like. (It happens when you press the buttons before the turtle speed movement animation finishes).

Outside of that the levels are pretty well designed and explore fairly heavily the very few mechanics the game has. Still, I wish there was a bit more to it. Seeing how the game has a little story, a cool world map and "boss stages" it started to remind me of those classic PopCap games except nowhere near as good. A more modern and expanded version of this would probably be pretty sick if done correctly.

And yes I know this is an NES game made by a very small team but while it may justify it does not fix my issues with it. By the end I was just happy to be done, the music was making me feel dizzy, like actually. I didn't even know I had a headache and now it's gone.
