I wanna meet the people who decided that focusing on combat and random generated missions were good ideas for a Scribblenauts game.

Little Timmy's first puzzle game.


gas -g-g GASGASGAS g-g- gas gas

Extremely charming and creative game, it's a bit too easy, but it's still really fun. The game keeps throwing new things at you so it never really gets stale. The inclusion of mini-games is also an incredible change of pace every now and then and adds a lot to the game.

baby game but I get to play as super mario smoking weed


Most boring walking simulator ever.

For a flash game from 1999 it's not even that bad. It has some interesting ideas and the music gives it a pretty cool atmosphere. I'd love to see a better executed detective game on a Lovecraftian scenario.

my copypasta review got deleted...

Despite being 3D it still feels like I'm playing a generic 2D Mario game. Some levels shine in this but in general it gets repetitive and bland very quickly.

It's alright, but if I'm going to gather all of my friends to play a game in this style I'd rather just play TTT