Crazy to think one of the most important and influential horror games of all time was just a demo.

A time capsule to a period where a lot of my political beliefs were dictated by horrible right wing propaganda videos funded by rich assholes. Really happy to have grown out of that. Also the game sucks ass lmao, I guess shitty and unoriginal jokes is one way to sell your bad game.

I can't believe my favorite youtuber would lie to me.


i swear to god if you somehow fuck this up

edit: they didn't fuck it up :)

List of really cool things you can do in this game:

Play basketball with the baby as the ball
Lock the baby inside the fridge
Place the baby inside the oven and turn it on
Place the baby inside the washing machine and turn it on
Flush the baby down the toilet

Don't give him his jacket.

This game biggest selling point is also it's greatest weakness, the fact a lot of different people contribute to this is cool as it makes for a really big game with a lot of different ideas, however because of this it's environments can a lot of times feel like filler and out of place.

"Tip: Tofu Boy is not only sexy, he tastes good too!"

Bad mobile game very poorly disguised as a normal console game... released only one week away from the Mario Kart 8 DLC.

The first Strand-Type game.