A time capsule to a period where a lot of my political beliefs were dictated by horrible right wing propaganda videos funded by rich assholes. Really happy to have grown out of that. Also the game sucks ass lmao, I guess shitty and unoriginal jokes is one way to sell your bad game.

Can't wait to see this on the Game Awards

People tricked me into thinking this isn't just a mobile game that cost 10 dollars.

Edit: Hahaha 6K for the map editor. Classic Ninja Kiwi.

Don't give him his jacket.

How do you fuck up at a jigsaw puzzle game?

Extremely slow loading and inventory management really hurts this game. It's still pretty good but you should probably just play the remake.


This game was a nice surprise.

I wanna meet the people who decided that focusing on combat and random generated missions were good ideas for a Scribblenauts game.

Drake really went all out on this one.

This review was written before the game released

A game that kind of plays itself, with puzzles that are nowhere near as good as Limbo was. It excels in pretty much every other aspect, especially in it's presentation.