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The remake of my favourite game of all time did a lot right but in my opinion, it got a lot wrong too.

Characters were obviously more fleshed out with voice lines, amazing appearances and unique combat styles.
I really loved the additional Avalanche content, it made Jessie, Biggs and Wedge so much more valuable and I had some real emotion towards them rather than just seeing them as disposable characters.
Aeirith was another character I really had a change of heart for too, in the original I never really felt the way a lot of people did for her but having her brought to life and seeing her personality shine, she became one of my favourite characters.
I'd say the characters are by far the thing they did best with this remake.

Midgar and all of its locations are amazing and seeing them built and remade this way is what I always dreamed of.

The soundtrack is superb. I'd have been quite shocked if they messed this up but I think they did a great job with it.

As much as I loved some of the additional content, I HATED some of it too.
All the side quests are annoying and I know you can just skip them but my brain hates knowing I'm missing things and tbh I think it was just something they added to try and justify the game only being Midgar. Just more pointless padding out that wasn't really necessary.

I REALLY disliked the part of the Shinra Building where you're split up and just running round switching between teams to press levers, who comes up with that and thinks it's a fun addition?
There was a few sections like this where I just felt it was incredibly boring and only done to pad out the playtime.

Combat in the end just wasn't for me. I tried to love it early on and thought classic mode might be the answer but I just really never took to it.
Maybe with some polish it could work but I just want traditional turn based, I'm not interested in action gameplay while playing FFVII.

I actually really liked the weapon proficiency and how if you mastered them you could use those abilities with other weapons. However, I didn't enjoy the weapon upgrading, just finding a weapon and having fixed stats is fine for me, I don't want to be thinking about whether I want the weapon to focus on attack, defense, magic, etc... In the end I got fed up of seeing the hundreds of points and tried to forget about it. The weapons do look REALLY cool though.

I honestly don't think I really understand what they were doing with the ending. Probably going to have to read up about it a little bit but I wasn't a fan.
Just remake the original game and don't mess about with stuff.

I think fighting Sephiroth at the end of this game really deflates some of the excitement for the rest of the game for me.
Building up to that fight over however many parts they want to release would have made the moment you finally do face off against Sephiroth absolutely one of the best moments of gaming ever for me but they rammed it in to this part for whatever reason. I just don't get that.

I waited a long time to play this but overall I'm disappointed.
I replay the original every so often but I can't see myself replaying this one all that much, if at all.

Reviewed on Mar 19, 2022
