Diamond of a game kinda ruined by some janky mechanics and poorly implemented systems.

Weapon durability is the one most people mention, I don't mind it actually but it certainly wasn't tuned properly. Finding a weapon was never exciting because I knew it was going to break after a couple of encounters. Also, I'd have been happier for the Master Sword being more difficult to receive but unlimited durability with the boosted damage being on a recharge.
All weapons should have just been more durable.

Stamina was fine, I learnt to plan my climbs and all that. I'd have been happier if sprint burnt the stamina a bit slower.

The rain affecting climbing was just dumb. I hated everything about it. So many times I was climbing and it started raining so I either had to just do nothing and wait or fall. I actually just turned the game off a number of times. Terrible mechanic.

Inventory was a mess. Things could have easily been stored in a far more manageable way.

Combat was okay but constantly ripped me right out of the immersion pausing the game to use food for healing, swapping weapons, changing arrows, using runes. Even when a weapon breaks it doesn't just equip the next weapon in the list, you have to stop the whole fight and select a new one. It can be done quickly but it all adds up to what at times became really stop and start combat. I just never fully got on board with it.

The scale of the game was amazing and the design was spectacular with world full of rich exploration. Certain elements of navigation were great, the glider being standout.
I enjoyed the shrines a lot too.

I can see the appeal for a lot of people, just didn't quite click for me unfortunately.

Reviewed on Jan 06, 2023
