Just some thoughts I have on this game that I want to share/preserve before it comes out.

When I first saw the reveal for this, I was pretty hyped. I think Colors is a pretty damn good game and was excited to see it finally get off the Wii. Now that we have more footage, I'm a bit confused.
The main thing everyone is talking about; the lighting. I'm sorry but you cannot tell me this looks good. It's all out of wack. The saturation and quote-on-quote 'bloom' is too much and makes everything look washed out. To make matters worse, Sonic and other objects in the levels are basically massive glowsticks. The top of Sonic's head is ALWAYS shining, that is not normal under any circumstance. Even when there's light coming from below him, the top of his head still shines. EVEN if he is in an outside area, NO normal living thing should shine that much out in the sun. Why is this even a thing??
Now, you probably angry reader at this point, might be saying 'B-b-b-but the build is outdated!! It'll look good in the final!" Will it look good in the final? No one can answer that truthfully. Secondly, you're only further proving that this game is a mess. Why are they showing outdated footage in the first place?? At this point in time the game is bit less than a month away and we're still seeing so-called outdated footage. Some gameplay shown at the same points in time have differences. WHY?? If you want people to buy your game, wouldn't you want to showcase it at its best version? Terrible marketing strategy.

It seems they're not called Blind Squirrel for nothing. Only a blind person could think this looks great.

Reviewed on Aug 12, 2021


so now that the game is out, i am even more disappointed. none of these things were fixed. the switch version is a disaster. the pc version has an abnormally large file size. why? because the shaders for EVERY version of the game are in that version. The PC version ALSO has EVERY SINGLE ORIGINAL ASSET FROM COLORS. INCLUDING CUTSCENES. in colors ultimate, the cutscenes are fucking AI upscaled, we thought this was because they didnt have the original cutscene files, but it turns out they had them the entire time. they could have remastered them directly. that shit fucking baffles me. lazy ass developers. the glitches are prevalent in all versions, switch version has major framerate issues in some cases. god, what a terrible launch for a remaster of such a highly praised game.

2 years ago

Wow, what a shame. I was kinda thinking of picking it up but after hearing about it, I think I won't bother and I'll just find the original Wii release instead.

2 years ago

It's such a disappointment. They have some great new additions to the game, and even then they have bugs. The lagging on the menu and Metal Sonic's png flame is hilarious though

2 years ago

metal sonic has come to tell you that in 3 quick and easy steps you can add an extension to your computer that can let you convert files with ease
I am not experiencing any problems except an audio glitch one time
ok then lucky you
not really lucky for ps5 owners, seems to be the norm