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This is an alright racing game. The Idea of this game is that you race around different Disney world attractions as characters from these rides, which is a fun idea. The Graphics are good, with the atmosphere of each game being very good to account with the graphics. gameplay is fun, the way the races' function feel how they should be, you can also tap to make sharp turns, which is especially good for games clearly aimed at kids, the problem with this game though is that outside of what I said, there isn't much to the game apart from that, characters stats are the same, there is no variety outside of what I said, and there are only 5 attractions, so it's not the idea done to perfection. Music are tracks from Disney world background music, which are great as always. Magical Racing tour is a good Disney World racing game, but they just don't go far out with making better than above average.

Reviewed on Oct 12, 2022
