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Okay, after doing all the endings i have to say, this game is truly as brilliant as people say it is,it plays really well with the conventions of it's culture of early 2000's japanese games, mangling really well with it's menssage and themes while, differently from games such Undertale and moon RPG, being really subtle about it, letting it sink in slowly,and not giving a concrete black and white answer, living you to interpret on your own
At first it may look like a very simple and straightforward plot and premise with dumb quest and whatnot,but the more you play and replay it the more it shows it's true colors to you and painstakingly detail
Truly is a (ex) underrated gem(thankfully now it gets the attention it deserved and even more), really got me hyped to play automata and drakengard!

Really good but need to do the other endings still