Log Status






Time Played

23h 59m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

May 25, 2022

Platforms Played


I'm always looking for great narratives to experience, so DL definitely left me wanting. As a vehicle for moving the game forward, it is serviceable, but in no way memorable or engaging. Your enjoyment of Dying Light will probably hinge on how much you can enjoy its gameplay. I gotta say, while I was playing it, I was having a blast. The parkour, while inferior to Mirror's Edge, is quite exhilarating. I enjoyed the simplistic combat, and the gameplay scenarios you find yourself in, I found interesting and fun to navigate. Repetition of looting and crafting will grate on your nerves eventually though, as it did for me. I did make sure that it didn't overstay its welcome for me, abandoning it as soon as the main quest was over, leaving most side quests and even the expansion unplayed. After 24 hours of smashing zombie heads and running from volatiles, that's enough for me.