I feel like this improved enough on the original to warrant the remake. I still need to go back through and do the alternate level designs.

I truly can't believe I enjoyed this as much as I did. It has some rough parts, and the vampire sections were tedious at times.

Grind unfortunately gets way too bad, even for an idle game.

Fantastic multiplayer game

I have 20+ year old account so...

Was pretty hard as a kid, but enjoyable. Didn't like that there was some things locked behind multiplayer, for a game that it was impossible to find other people playing. Enjoyed but would not go back and play again.

The only reason that this got 2 stars is that,despite how much I disliked it's bland story, horrible screen tearing, unimaginative combat, forgettable cast, and game breaking glitches I DID finish it at least. So that has to be something in it's favor. I guess.

Easy contender for my top 10 of all time, my 3x3, etc. I can play this game over and over through the years and never get bored.

Just don't play it on PS4/5. Horrible game breaking bugs in certain areas that hard crash the system. Very unfortunate, but that's just how it is.

A fairly solid game, but overshadowed by its PS2 predecessor.
Taking a full .5 stars off for Lymle however.

My first review below a 2, since even the worst games I play I still manage to beat. I just couldn't bother with this one. Everything about this entry to one of my favorite series' is a slap in the face.

Insanely bland, and a blight on the franchise.

I liked this far more than I thought I would. Honestly, after 5 I had zero hopes. However, I was greeted to a decent story, combat updated in a few ways I appreciated, and characters that are pretty okay.
That said, this definitely lost points for a lacklustre endgame, and an oversimplification of the crafting systems from previous entries.