when i saw the trailer of this game i told my self that im not gonna waste my money and play this ugly low effort game from million dollar company.

but here i am, i gave my money to gamefreak and beat the story. this my first pokemon game that i ever beat. i can't believe that i enjoyed playing this version of pokemon and excited to complete the dex.

i found the glitches, low texture graphics and fps hiccups funny. im gonna compare this game in skyrim. so many bugs but still fun to play.

great concept but poor and feel rush execution.

looking forward for the next game and maybe i'll try to play the Sw/Sh and PLA.

would love to play this masterpiece game if i want to cry again.

Finished the game but was unsatisfied.

this is the only version i really enjoy in my teenage years. played on PS1. so many memories and the soundtrack shaped me over time. i'm not really good in the game but it's my favorite.