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1 day

Last played

November 4, 2023

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With my game crashing after about 45% of the way through the game, I'm deciding to call it quits.

It feels a bit harsh to give such an influential and important title a 2/5, but I really just wasn't having fun with this one, it was just boring honestly.

So if you don't know, a lot of the people that made this went on to make Call of Duty, and you can really feel that. This game feels like it's in a bit of an identity crisis, as it sometimes feels like it's trying to be a new MoH1 but lacks the original charm, then at other times feels like Call of Duty 0.5.

The gun-play feels and sounds decent enough with a very run-and-gun feel to it but it isn't complimented well by the slow movement, some of the most punishing "flinching upon being hit" I've ever seen, and a dated health system. it's like they were at an impasse and couldn't decide what type of FPS they wanted to make. This was of course later figured out with CoD 1, which does everything this game does but better.

Level design is boring and often feels unfair. You will either be clearing out room after room, which generally just feels like proto-CoD gameplay, or you'll be peaking corners across massive open areas with basically no cover. This combined with enemy Ai that has seemingly limitless view distance and no drop in accuracy depending on their distance, results in slowly moving from corner to corner while sniping enemies here and there, which I personally find to be a real snoozer of a loop.

There seems to be a lack of variety and not enough set-pieces to carry this campaign either. The only notable one is D-Day, which is fine enough, it's lost it's luster a bit with me considering later games do it better, but this is a pretty good D-Day mission. Other than that though, it's just pretty generic WW2 missions that just feel uninspired. I skimmed through a youtube video of a playthrough and sure enough, it just looks like more of the same room clearing and corner peaking for another couple hours, thus I just have no real reason to keep playing.

Usually when I abandon a game it's because I'm heavily disliking it, but this one is really not that bad. I think it's a perfectly serviceable WW2 shooter, but there is absolutely nothing remarkable about it and you have no reason to ever play this over other WW2 FPS's.

Note: I own and planned on playing the expansions but they also just look like more of the same dull gameplay, so I guess I won't be doing that.

Also of note: this game does not play well with modern OS's, I had to get some patches for it.