I played this one like eight times and I still can't get enough of it
Amazing game, I love it and it's one of my favorites

I played this two times already but I wanted to give it a try in Japanese since I will die in the hill that this game should have never left Japan at all and get stripped of most of its meaning and inspiration to localization, and well, I don't have much to say, I just like Youkai Watch a lot
But the way this game manages side content is atrocious

Marked Special Edition to say I played Conquest and Birthright
They are okay games, I agree the story sucks so hard but I love the characters and the gameplay is so good, I'm willing to overlook its flaws

When I first played it, I dropped it because there was a boss fight that was too hard
Then I picked it up again and absolutely adored it, one of my childhood games and it's amazing

Got it on my birthday
Best present ever, I love this game

Fine game, has its flaws.
But I still scored 200 hours

I recently started a game in Lunatic and then swapped the difficulty to Lunatic+ with a save editor
Still wasn't challenging at all, I can't remember a single map that was hard because I cheesed them all one turn with Galeforce children

Dethroned Yakuza 5 as my favorite, I love it so much

Beautiful game, nice music, gorgeous art, astounding story
One of my favorite games of all time