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Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

March 28, 2023

Platforms Played


I was completely taken by surprise with this game. I didn't like the Pokemon-esque interactions with the Spirits, which was a focus early on, but that quickly gave way to the fun and exploration of the Flowmotion system. The worlds are pretty big in order to adapt to the parkour-ness of the Flowmotion system, but traversing the worlds felt kinetic and enjoyable. Also, it didn't feel like DDD was retreading the same old KH worlds as we've seen time and time again. Instead we get Fantasia, Musketeers, and Hunchback of Notre Dame! Also, The World Ends With You characters show up for some reason? All these new characters, combat styles, and worlds helped spice up some of the tedious retreading of older Kingdom Hearts games. The story was pretty nonsensical, but became important in that last 2 or 3 hours of the game. Overall, I had a blast with this one!