Omori 2020

Log Status






Time Played

32h 21m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

March 20, 2021

Platforms Played


This review contains spoilers

This game is a masterpiece. I have no actual words to describe how much I liked it, and I'm so glad I wasn't as interested in it before because it would be actual HELL to wait 6 years of Kickstarter.

OMORI uses a clever design in all aspects, graphic design, character design, sound design and level design in all areas to give off many emotions (and funnily enough, this game's battle system revolves around them!) which all go from charming to horrifying (in a good sense). I like the way the game has this meta-trade of different designs by using photorrealistic sprites to give some slight scares in some sections and break off the "dream world" aspect of Headspace, and making your character, Omori, stick out like a sore thumb compared to all your friends on your party.

The game isn't grindy for a RPGMaker and its easy to understand, and fun to explore around, the soundtrack is extense and amazing and the double story is really interesting and shifts well one to another. The horror in itself is really suspense and amazing to experience as it isn't "loud = scary"

Story and Sunny's struggles as a shy, shut-in kinda person really hit close when putting everything together and guess what happened through his mind at the time of sleeping and entering the dream world. The ending escalated that to a billion because you get to see all of that in real time, and more especially when Sunny fights with Omori. You get to see what the characters have been through and even when you don't know them, you can see how they were before stuff happened to them and caused them to change.

The only real issue I had with the game was the lack of directions some times, I really tend to zone out on games and forget my main objective (Although I'm more than certain that this is only a me problem) and it doesn't help that there isn't a really accesible menu for sidequests. Mari gives you a reminder of what they were and what do you need but it isn't much more than that.

Overall this is a gem of a game, I'm so glad it got released and on it's prime.
