Log Status






Time Played

3h 33m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

November 12, 2023

First played

November 11, 2023

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


This review contains spoilers

Portal: Prelude is by far one of the most well-known and classic mods for the original Portal, for better or for worse. The 2008 mod has the setting of a Portal prequel in a GLaDOS-less Aperture Science facility and it sounds enticing enough, and I'd even say it's one of the most accomplished unofficial attempts at doing so at the time, but it falls flat as soon as you drop in and hear the first lines of dialogue from the scientists that talk to you during the entirety of the game, possibly the clearest example of the worst line delivery and dialogue with quippy and unfunny jokes and a very poor use of sarcasm. The use of text-to-speech for the scientist's dialogue just sets in the quality of the script in general.

Then there's the test chambers themselves. What starts out as a very simple series of puzzles turn into very artificially complicated ones that make use of unintended game mechanics and fooling around with the physics of your character to actually fling yourself around and actually land where you wanna land, it sucks.

The one redeemable part is most likely the final act where they actually install GLaDOS in and she takes over the facility, the scripted parts are cool but it feels a bit dull when you have to do so much back and forth between adquiring a new Portal gun and coming back for the final boss, and then the final boss itself gets rather annoying to fight since it's so janky. I appreciate the effort, though, but this mod isn't so deserving of all the early praise it got... nor an RTX remaster a decade later.