Log Status






Time Played

8h 55m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

November 28, 2023

First played

October 11, 2023

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


Playthrough was done using the Silent Hill 2: Enhanced Edition mod pack for the game.

Silent Hill 2 is a touchstone in the survival horror genre, period. A game that in its short time does everything across the board pretty much perfectly, and a master class on how psychological horror, subtle storytelling and symbolism can go so well together to make the most immersively rich experience possible. And is overall a massive jump over its PSX predecessor.

While 1999's Silent Hill has way more focus on classic themes of the occult to tell its horror story, being quite literally the story of how the town of Silent Hill came to be and is showing of the many paranormal qualities of the town, and in that game Silent Hill was pretty much like a random nightmare world taking into account it wasn't the main protagonists' personified guilt and distress... But then came Silent Hill 2, a game that is so much more character-focused, leaving behind the occult topics to shower us with a vision of the town literally adjusted to our main protagonist, James Sunderland, some man who we don't quite know anything about, making you figure out yourself the story of recurrent characters such as Angela, Eddie or the mythical Pyramid Head, and when you realize that the reason this version of the accursed town is so different than the one Harry Mason would experience, it's when you realize why this game is so good at telling you the story of its characters, and it was all made super ahead of its time.

Leaving aside the story, because this is one of those games where you really have to go in blind or else you'll be spoiling yourself of one of the most immersive and suspenseful experiences in all of gaming the game pretty much lives to the standard that is Making The Second Game In Your Franchise Play So Much Better Than The First One™️, Silent Hill 2 offers some new stuff here and there without straying too much from its roots, and it basically plays like a smoother version of the first game. Allowing you to do stuff like running while attacking with any sort of light melee weapons or, exclusive to this version of the game, being able to get rid of those abhorrent tank controls from the get-go.
Nothing too big in that department, but when you look around and see how nice the environments look for a 2001 PS2 game and how the immersive and gloomy soundtrack masterfully crafted by Akira Yamaoka sets the mood for any situation (and is so good even to listen outside of the game), you truly do notice how much they did to capture a timelessly grim aesthetic that will probably never phase out considering the current state of the franchise.

Silent Hill 2 is a game i regret not have played any sooner, and while I can't say every single one of my expectations about this so highly regarded legendary title were met, I can still appreciate a work of art made with so much meaning and spirit behind it, and how it managed to be one of the most famously influential horror video games of all time. It also nearly made me cry, and that's wild considering I could probably count the times in my life where a piece of media was so moving that I could nearly feel myself tearing up in its last moments, a must play for absolutely everyone, even now considering the advancements of the refined, fan-made (and free!) Enhanced Edition mod for the PC version of it.