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1 day

Last played

October 29, 2023

Platforms Played


Powerful I’d say is the best way to describe Before Your Eyes. An immensely moving story intertwined with boundary-pushing gameplay make for a game that could only be told in this medium. One of the very few pieces of media that have ever brought me to tears by the end over a short duration, is not only a testament to its writing, but a reinforcement for the argument that games are art and the positive impact they (could) have on future generations. It’s been nearly a year since I first played Before Your Eyes, and since then, I’ve gone through a lot, whether positive or negative, and I’ve come to appreciate it’s story and message even moreso than before. As the days pass by, I’ve noticed that the monotonous routine I undertake has started to blur the lines between them, sometimes I’m even unable to differentiate between days, my life is moving by in the blink of an eye; and it only makes me able to cherish my past memories (whether good or bad) more, but also that I should move on from them and face my uncertain future head on, whatever may happen.