Ocarina of Time is quite simply the worst thing to happen to gaming ever. Its forced profundity has caused millions of people all over the world to pretend to like what is nothing more than an exercise in repetition.

Miyamoto has no idea what he is doing here. The game jumps around at his discretion with little to no sense of purpose or coherence. The great game developers of the world create a series of events that contain clarity of objectives and a fun gameplay loop, something Zelda couldn't bet its life on.

What is the purpose of what is going on here? Is there any coherent storyline? I have heard suggestions that it is about the inevitable march of time and the horrors of adulthood, but is it really? Or is that just a small thematic backdrop to a series of clichéd and disjoined events? Is the game actually FUN to play? Would even diehard "fans" say yes?

The Zelda series is just Madden or Assassins Creed for the Nintendo crowd. The same boring game remade a million times over. Nobody actually likes this game, they just like to be seen liking it.