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April 3, 2024

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Okay, the finally (For now) of Luigi's hell. This game is very good, having took everything from the past two games, cutting the fat, and cooking the meat to perfection. The graphical style being one of the first and most notable examples of this; by working with the funky style of Dark Moon, and using the power of anything but a 3DS or GameCube to make a gorgeous exemplar of how good games can look on the switch. Using such to allow for creative levels, and fun areas to explore all around. As well, another notable feature come in that of the poltergeist and the slamming mechanic, that while not really adding much in the way of complexity to the game, does feel really satisfying, especially compared to what was in place for Dark Moon. I do have to mention that the SUPER SUCK upgrade could have been used in more places, and would have been a fun edition to taring apart the levels in search of secrets. Overall a great game, and one that is definitely worth playing!

Is what I would say if I really wanted to end the review their, but I think its time to talk about a lot of the issues people had with this game. Because of lot of people seem to hate this game for three main reasons as far as I can tell; One money, and two level design. First, yes, some of the level design could be better, the cat sections being an example of this, yet I think the issue is blown way too far out of proportion compared to how good many of almost all of the other sections of the game are, the boss fights are creative and the environmental design supplements the floors and gameplay very well in my opinion.
Now onto the money. "It'S UsElESs," cries some people, but that is okay I say. Lets see why its "useless," One, cant buy anything with it, okay but what would you buy? upgrades? I mean sure, but why, the vacuum sucks, you slam the ghost around. A lot of the usability of the poltergust does not come from how powerful it is, but YOUR ability to control it while ghost fling you around the room. Its not like a gun, where a different bullet, or a bigger clip actually helps in shooting games. So what else could you use coins for? Lives? Well, lives do not really exist in modern day gaming, but the next closest thing is revives, and you can buy those. As well as items that show you the location of collectables, which is the next step, but other then those couple thing, there really is not anything more I would ask of the coins; besides being super duper fun to collect. I saw someone here compare them to Lego studs because of that fact, and I love that. So what's left for coins to do now, contribute to rank? Guess what... they do that, JUST LIKE IN THE FIRST GAME, and nobody said anything about them their???? In fact that is all they did in the first game... just being a lot of fun collectables! They even tried making coins more intrigue to the game in Dark Moon, where you had coin targets to unlock upgrades, and that truly felt pointless, because regardless of if you collected the target amounts or not, nothing would really changes through just playing the game normally, BECAUSE UPGRADES WOULD MEAN ZIT TO THIS GAME as I said above. Anyways, its a great game, Nintendo did their best with everything they had from this game series and truly made something amazing. A must play on the switch.