I would simply recommend this one instead of the original Half-Life, it is wayyy better in almost every aspect compared to the original game.
The only bad aspects are quite tiny:
-There's a lot of usable stuff in the map I cannot use such as levers, buttons, doors, etc (HL is known for giving the freedom to use them, even if it is completely useless)
-The audio desing is simply awful sometimes (the hivehand sounds like someone punching a plushie)
-It is simply absurd how beautiful Xen is, but the gameplay is sometimes quite repetitive and boring while being way larger than it should, it also is badly optimized.

In conclusion, play this one instead of the original game, the original game might be good for preservation reasons and to feel some "progress" through the series (In gameplay, Black Mesa is better than Half-Life 2)

I understand that that's what the game is about, but I just need something more than simply dumbly shooting at the "enemies of the west/NATO", the plot has several conveniences and even a mission couldn't have existed if the plot was well designed, but hey, the visuals and the tacticool stuff are ok I guess.

I just got into the modern spain where everyone is either extremely hostile and depressed or both, I killed a lot of people, and finally became some kind of messiah or something sorry I didn't understand a single thing of the plot of this game please play it

PD: Everybody gangsta until Isadora starts singing.

>Skip every single cinematic possible
>Gaem good