173 reviews liked by Kelian

Holds up really well. Why aren't more FPS games like this?

Absolute masterpiece of a game. Definitely within my top 10 games I've played

Guys will see this and be like "Hell Yeah"

Hell Yeah

killing nazis with great gameplay and great narrative, what more could you ask for

Love the story. Super well done on killing nazis. I can never properly pronounce William B.J. Blazkowicz correctly.

One of the most fun and engaging FPS games in recent memory. I love killing nazis.

Good because you kill nazis and story is fine if you have nothing to do

So Mr. WorldWide APROUVED : 👍

I really loved the story and action in this one. From here I’ve discovered Mick Gordon discography & it changed my life.

pretty cool but has a weird thing going with the jew magic (??????)