10 reviews liked by KeroKero

Probably my favorite game. I love pretty much everything about Dark Souls, story, gameplay, soundtrack (although it really only has a few memorable tracks^^). I've played it several times in different ways and will probably continue to do so for the rest of my life. This game means more to me than most. It has carried me through dark periods of my life and I will be forever grateful. Praise the sun and don't you dare go hollow :)

Arkadaşım olsa çok daha oynayabilirdim

I am kind of reluctant to give Elden Ring a rating, because I put it down for ages and only finally picked it up again over the past week, when I was already at the tail end of the game. I'll give some scattered thoughts though.

Putting Elden Ring down for so long meant that after having played most of the game a long time ago, I picked it up and basically did a boss run which included all of the most difficult bosses that the game has to offer. In some ways doing that kind of soured it in a way that one long and focused playthrough might not have, just because the experience of actually exploring the world itself would have been much fresher on my mind.

Elden Ring is definitely not a perfect game. I'm really not that huge on some of its boss design, some of it comes across like FromSoft were just extremely eager to top themselves on the difficulty front, and were less interested in designing a boss that is actually fun to fight. Difficult bosses are all well and good, but some of these fights are just tedious, to the point that they might actually prevent me from ever wanting to pick it up again. Oh, and there are also a lot of recycled bosses in Elden Ring, which kind of serve to undermine the initial fights you had with them.

FromSoft's tendancy for designing cryptic quests that require walkthroughs is also starting to get on my nerves. I'd like to spend more time actually playing the game, over watching a walkthrough on youtube every time I want to make some progress. This wasn't as annoying in Dark Souls, just by virtue of the fact that it wasn't a huge, sprawling open world game where the problem becomes much more abundant.

After airing my grievences though, I do have to make it completely clear, Elden Ring at its best is one of the most atmospheric, beautiful and engrossing video games I have ever played.

On the flipside of the cryptic quests, FromSoft never shoves the stories or the lore of their games down your throat, making you actively seek out answers if you really want to understand their games, and Elden Ring's world is so engrossing that it's very immersive and satisfying to discover it yourself.

"Great game, Bad Resident Ev-"

Making a bad remake of this was kinda hard to do, since the original had its own issues being their first shot at what would become the staple of the Persona formula. I might just be feeling a little bit nostalgic 'cause I played it a long time ago, but it really made me notice how those little details and the direction that the original had, especially in the anime parts, made the game so memorable for me, even after all those problems that it had.

Maybe it's because of the switch to the Unreal Engine or the saturation of the "Persona" franchise in these last years, but some things just didn't hit me the same way the original did. Still, for someone who isn't a fan of remakes, this is one of the better ones out there. Stuff like the new Tartarus, linked episodes, and gameplay additions like the pass and theurgy moves that add to the narrative of the game are all nice welcomes and it makes me even a little bit hopeful for "The Answer".

I still encourage you to check the original game, even if this gets considered to be the "best" version of the game by some people, it should never replace the original, maybe you could even notice some of those details that stick with me after all those years and made me cry like a bitch at the end of the game in my teenage years.



Bem-vindos a "Doom"! Se você sempre sonhou em ser um pacifista e resolver conflitos com abraços, bem, esse não é o seu lugar!

Imagine-se no papel do "Doomguy" (Ou Doomslayer), o cara mais durão do universo dos jogos, cuja única missão é fazer um belo estrago nos demônios do inferno. E quando eu digo estrago, quero dizer uma quantidade insana de carnificina!

Esqueça as frescuras dos jogos modernos de FPS, como recarregar ou se preocupar com quantas balas você tem. Aqui, você tem munição de sobra! É como se as balas brotassem do chão só de você olhar para elas. E se você acha que vai ficar escondido atrás de uma parede esperando a saúde regenerar, bem, pense de novo! Nada disso aqui, cowboy! É uma maratona de violência sem fim!

Falando em violência, você vai encontrar todos os seus velhos amigos demônios e algumas adições bem interessantes.

O arsenal também traz de volta todas as armas conhecidas na franquia, não faltando nossa querida BFG (Big Fucking Gun para os íntimos), com certeza você está armado até os dentes e pronto para fazer picadinho dos demônios.

Nada de XP ou pontuação por aqui! Você quer melhorar? Então você vai ter que sair explorando. Porque por mais incrível que pareça "Doom" não é só sobre atirar, é também sobre exploração e caça aos segredos escondidos, seja lá o que eles forem: runas místicas, upgrades para suas armas ou até mesmo aquelas adoráveis miniaturas.

Portanto, É claro que a pontuação final não poderia ser outra senão Doom/10.


Good start but play P3R and P4G after