Log Status






Time Played

45h 42m

Days in Journal

17 days

Last played

April 20, 2023

First played

March 24, 2023

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


My first Atelier game, and a really good, comfy time. Great music, great characters and a decently good story. Crafting mechanics got better in the sequels, but was still fun to learn in this one. Set on a backdrop of a slowly dying world that exists just out of focus, while the focus is on a more personal journey creates a vibe unmatched by even its sequels. That setting is also full of really imagined, creative locales. There's a time limit to the game which isn't communicated well to the player, and there's no way to know how well you are on track for it as you go, creating a little bit of stress in an otherwise relaxing game, but it was actually fairly lenient and I ended up with a lot of extra time left over. Combat is turn based by with enemies in the center and your party's positions around them mattering significantly. The two sequels were much easier over all, but Ayesha was able to provide a consistent level of difficulty throughout the experience, where enemies could pose a threat the entire time, and managing health, MP, and items was always important. Loved this game, found a new favorite series with this.