Still playing this but I just can't stop. This is like being addicted to Crack. This game is a miracle for the industry and completely ruins RPGs for me moving forward.

Campaign was kinda fun, but the gameplay gets old very quickly due to the enemy and level design. Instead of making it a super cool big blockbuster "a la" uncharted with cool scripted scenes (which would really benefit a game like this), the boring ass design of a GAS is what you get and you feel it. It just gets stale very quickly

This was fun. It is very rough around the edges but it was a fun experience nonetheless. The day-mission mechanic was pretty cool and the vase building was interesting enough to keep me hooked

Pretty good, it's mortal kombat. I really liked the story but the roster feels very limited and cool things like the krypt or other modes were replaced by basically grindy stuff to unlock the cosmetics in a crappy way so I just finished the story and called it a day

This was mediocre. It was fun until I realized its just the same far cry I've been playing for years and got absolutely bored of it. I'm impressed I actually didn't drop it

Pretty good. It's Diablo, and that pretty much says it all. The cinematics were God tier tho

This was such a cool experience. It's clearly not a AAA experience but taking that out of the equation, the survival experience is very well achieved. It feels accesible yet challenging, and the horror atmosphere its great. Definitely want to try the sequel once it hits consoles

It's a game with a lot of flaws but it was so much fun just parkouring around the city and kicking zombies' ass. The co-op experience was also amazing, I feel like it only heightens everything by a notch

It started pretty great and it's the phantasy of any HP fan. Hogwarts is beautiful and exploring everything st first felt amazing, but after a couple of hours I was just bored. It felt a bit repetitive and overencumbered with stuff that wasn't really that fun to do, like the room you build yourself with stuff. It's fun, but I would just rush the story (which is also not great by itself). I sincerely hope they get to make a sequel we're they can learn from what worked and what didn't on this one. Oh and the broom flight is chef kiss

It's candy crush. With waifus. Candy crush with waifus. I'm surprised im not giving it 5 stars but I gotta be honest with myself. Tho you undress the waifus as they take damage... No no, 3 is Ok

The original was already a masterpiece but this only improved upon absolutely everything. The graphics are insane, the gameplay is super tight, the AI and enemy placement was great and the sound effects are incredible. This is an essential game not only for any survival horror fan but for any gamer.

This is the one of the only games that had me shitting my pants. It's an amazing shot at what PT was trying to achieve, and they did a great job. Hope to see. More like this in the future