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1 day

Last played

October 25, 2023

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Probably my least favorite Insomniac Spidey game, but this was still a great time. The gameplay is so much better than the other two games, especially the traversal, to the point where I can’t really see myself going back to them. It plays like a fucking dream.

Where the game falters, unfortunately, is the story. Not only does the back half of the game feel rushed, the villains this time around just aren’t exciting. Spider-Man 1 had a brand new take on the Sinister Six which was exciting and Miles Morales had Phin which is probably my favorite baddie in all of these games. Spider-Man 2 has Kraven, which they give a cool backstory and motive to but ultimately ends up being blah and Venom who I never really liked and his portrayal in this game doesn’t really do much to change my mind. Without spoiling anything, none of the other villains in the game deliver either. I also have issues with both Peter and Miles’ arcs in the game, but I can’t talk about those without delving into spoilers. In general, the story is nowhere near bad but Miles Morales might’ve set the bar a little too high in that regard.

It also feels like Insomniac’s least polished game to date as I had a total of five crashes and I can’t remember the last time this happened to me with a big budget Playstation first party title.

All in all I really enjoyed my time with this, but I wish Insomniac left it in the oven just a little bit more because a few edits to the story here and there plus a couple of extra months of polishing could’ve turned this game from great to fantastic.