I cannot recommend enough this game. It's a perfect game when you don't want any complicated but wanna have fun and fights.
And it's perfect for someone that isn't so skilled because is easy to beat, have a cute aesthetic and short story.

La idea y la historia del juego no están mal, el problema principal es que para avanzar en la creación de la ciudad y en la historia te obliga a mejorar las casas de los trabajadores pero ya existentes en lugar de crear nuevas casas, y los nuevos trabajadores requieren nuevas tiendas para ser felices, lo que hace necesario relocalizar constantemente las casas y sinceramente me parece algo completamente innecesario que se podían haber ahorrado.

It's not bad per se... but it has a lot of things that could be better.
The minigames and puzzle are easy, has some interesting crafts but it gets annoying that you need to wait until an specific season to get some flowers (or be lucky and get them in the market) otherwise you cannot finish the story...

Enjoyable early and mid game, annoying late game.


I relaxing music puzzle game. The only bad part about it is that sometimes the lights are a little too much and could be uncomfortable. Overall a good (and short) game that I enjoyed too much

A short and cute puzzle game, some levels are a bit annoying but overall easy.

I liked it really much, aesthetically beautiful, with interesting and cryptic puzzles. All the levels are unique and beautiful.

A simple but cute game where you can leave your imagination fly and create different buildings. I can only find two bad thing in this game
1- There are no tutorial and would be really cool to know how to use the keybindings
2- You cannot change the colors of the buildings and furnitures

Good platformer, not too difficult so it's perfect for noobs like me. Amazing music, good mechanics and a dark backstory.
Give it a try, it's free and you will surely like it!

Cute, short, refreshing, chill. A game with a cute story, retro aesthetic, pancakes and cats! What else do you need to play?

A really beautiful and charming game, watching the world bloom while you are cleaning it and helping the animals and plants grow is so satisfying. The story is also cute and short enough.

The map feels really bad at the beginning because you cannot zoom it but it will be better in the end game. Have some minor bugs but doesn't really bother me.