46 reviews liked by KiwiGM_

Compared to RE2, RE3 substitutes the puzzles for more shooting & action. I don't think this was a good idea considering how clunky and awkward the movement is. The rolling feature is nice, but is kind of inconsistent.

The biggest flaw with RE3 is Nemesis. It is such a horrible boss. You fight it like 10 times thorough out the game. Dude's practically invincible yet it can't seem to kill you. At one point, it picks up a rocket launcher and shoots it at you, but the rocket's have a blast radius the size of a frozen pizza at the supermarket. Tyrant in RE2 was scary & you always had to work around him. Every time Nemesis showed up, I was annoyed.

Jill is pretty and badass, but doesn't stand out as much as Leon, Ada or even Claire for that matter. Carlos is forgettable & Nicholai is such a nonsensical villain. His motives make no sense. I genuinely would have enjoyed the game more if he never existed.

Overall, I still had fun with RE3. It's an above-average game, but not good enough. This game feels like such a shadow of RE2. I do appreciate not having to do 6 or so playthroughs for the platinum.

Wasn't awful just didn't feel compelled to continue.

Joel Haver and a few of the other cameos were fun though, enjoyed those.

It’s about making the most of your short time in life yet it’s 82 hours long? Hypocrisy much?

Woke propaganda that teaches players to pick men as their sexual partners

This would of been so much better if they did a whole pixar lego game instead of just 1 movie

Crafting my own bawls was kinda nice

GooeyScale: 9/10

Very forgettable minigames. Im not a huge fan of the car style boards and preferred it when each person moved individually.

im nostalgia blind im sorry