King's Field is more detailed than you can expect.
For a game where you only have 2 simple attack mechanics, is a really fitting and functional combat style, where you need to learn enemies timing, surround them and keep distance. Although the attacks are slow, the battles are brief, so it doesn't get tedious, at least not so easily.
Exploration is very well rewarded, even I would say essential. Nothing is wasted in this game, each picked object and each enemy killed will make you progress and be useful to you with some ingenuity.
The map more than being a no sense maze, actually is very intuitive, you even have a compass, that is really useful for the entire walkthrough.
You even can guide yourself through NPC's that reveal the story of the place, the characters, tips and your main quests.
Don't be fooled by the graphics, cuz actually King's Field has a somber, hostile and well-built atmosphere, and you would be missing one of the most classic dungeon crawler.