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1 day

Last played

May 17, 2021

Platforms Played


I really enjoyed this game a ton. You can see where games like Phoenix Wright originated.

They kept it very very true to the original which was extremely annoying at times. There isn’t always good hints and sometimes it feels like you’re hearing the same stuff over and over but the story and characters really save it.

Truly a wonderful score, art and story. I also excited a lot of the subtle animations as well. I will be getting the next game.

This was short but very good. Depending on your perception of value to price ratio, for me it’s worth it but the short length might make the price look daunting. Might want to get it in sale if you think the time should reflect price. If you’re looking for a good short story where price isn’t an issue, I’d say jump at it.

I really enjoyed the end despite me guessing it about halfway through.

It isn’t a bad game, it just sucks that they didn’t do many QOL improvements to gameplay.