2 reviews liked by Kurtis

Really nice game, it was worth the wait
I want Benedict to fuck me

One of my favorite games of all time, and is probably the most unique game I've ever played.
Rain world puts you against a world full of dangerous predators, and unlike other games, gives you barely any ways to defend yourself other than your mind. You will miss your spear attacks, your attacks will bounce back, and getting out of a tough situation will take a lot more than simply killing whatever's on the screen.
The wildlife in this game is well.. wildlife. It's a real ecosystem where every creature fends for themselves. You aren't the only thing the enemies focus on, you're just a part of a bigger ecosystem. Enemies will attack each other, have territorial fights with their own species even, some will straight up ignore you and getting past a difficult area sometimes will require you to take advantage of the fact that these creatures behave like real actual animals with goals rather than mindless entities hellbent on killing you and you alone.
Rain world is all about experimenting and observation, seeing what works and what doesn't, what you can eat and what you can't eat, what moves can you pull off and what moves you can't; observing every creature's behavior carefully to come up with the best plan to get past them. Even getting past one single creature trying to hunt you down will feel like you just outsmarted an intelligent opponent, and will feel satisfying. A lot of people give up on this game immediately, and I completely understand why. It's unlike any other game, definitely not everyone's cup of tea, the controls can be extremely rough to get used to, and it can be very brutal, but going into it, you just need a separate mindset and recognize rain world is not just another platformer, another 2d action game, it's its own thing, and trying to play it like a lot of other games will result in too much frustration.
This game is a perfect representation of survival in nature. It's literally the most immersive game I have ever played, and although it beat me down senseless countless times, beating this game felt more satisfying, more accomplishing than beating any other game I have played. Surviving in Rain World is hell, but damn is it satisfying to conquer it.