2 reviews liked by Kymei

Nexomon Extinction ha sido una gratísima sorpresa y me ha molado mil.
No es perfecto, pero tiene una historia divertida con sus giros argumentales. De hecho, en este aspecto me parece superior a Pokémon, aunque en otros esté por debajo.
Para una secuela pueden superarse 😉



+ combining Mega Man with roguelike design is still a great idea
+ builds on its predecessor in plenty of ways
+ art style is more refined and detailed
+ background art has been much improved
+ controls are tight and dash move feels great to use
+ character hit box is lenient
+ CP equipment system is a smart addition and mostly well-implemented
+ core upgrades allow for divers builds
+ difficulty smartly scales over the course of a run
+ challenges and bonuses are no longer timed
+ plenty of optional challenges in each level with managable difficulty
+ meta-upgrades feel empowering and rewarding
+ technical performance on Switch is rock-solid
+ auto-charging can be toggled on and off
+ bosses are diverse and colorful...

- ...but have to be beaten in full in each run
- hub area is badly designed and needlessly confusing
- even with procedural generation, areas mostly feel alike
- mini bosses do not have a visible health bar
- no health loss indicator on hit
- successful runs clock in at around 1,5 hours
- only two playable characters from the first game
- refilling health without proper items is very difficult
- Save Laboratory upgrades are as useless as in the first game
- auto charge does not trigger the core updates related to charging
- Scrap Dealer and shop items tend to be too expensive
- final boss gauntlet is basically impossible without the right equipment

Playtime: 22 hours with one complete run with both characters.

Magic Moment: Combining various core upgrades that seem to have nothing in common to find suprising synergies.

Blagic Moment: Dying to the final boss and realizing you just lost over 90 minutes and can only afford two meta-upgrades.

To be honest, it is no apparent to me why 30xx spent so many years in early access. The base design is directly lifted from its predecessor, the two protagonists have the same move set, the level creation algorithm seems to be not overly complex and the story is barebones. That being said, the core gameplay loop and controls are as motivating and tight as ever, and the moment-to-moment action is still satysfying enough to go for that "one more run".

Anyone who liked 20xx will have plenty of fun with this one as well, but anyone craving new impulses and surprises is bound to be a bit disappointed.

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