I had a good time with the game though the flaws become very apparent the more you play it.

The DLC that made Addam, Jin, Mythra, and Lora one of my fav characters in Xenoblade

peak fiction. I don't need to say more than that

a good pokemon game that has AWFUL performance issues and not-so-great graphics. I still had fun despite the horrible technical issues this game has but the state the game was released in is really embarrassing

first SMT game and it's pretty solid but the story is really uninteresting

probably the most fun I've had with a Fire Emblem game. Fantastic gameplay, good characters, and a fire soundtrack. Unfortunately, the same doesn't really apply to the story. while I think the story is decent overall, it still fumbles hard during some parts of the game. Nonetheless, I still consider it one of the best Fire Emblem games (maybe even the best) so I'm excited to see what they will be cooking in the next title

this game is an apology for Sonic Forces

I don't know why I even decided to play this knowing full well I'm probably not going to like it that much anyways

Matthew did indeed freeze his balls off 10/10

overall had a really fun time with this one. There were many boring parts in the game that made me fall asleep, but the finale was amazing. Definitely not my fav in the series but a good entry nonetheless

amazing. Great conclusion to Kiryus Saga and probably my second favorite Yakuza game in the series right after 0

I can recognize that this is a solid game but it's just not really for me

it's alright. The story is decent but the pacing is abysmal. The gameplay is really stale in the first 15 hours but gets much better when you reach around level 40 with your class (obv various) and the soundtrack, at least for Realm Reborn is neat. All in all a decent time and am excited about what the expansions are gonna offer. 5.5/10

I think the ending was the first time where I didn't feel the urge to skip the cutscene. It had me actually hooked