Note. There are many quotations. In addition, there are many proper nouns and anecdotes about Japanese culture. And this is just my theory. This is not a complete account of the Mother series, and you may not enjoy reading it. The most important thing I wanted to say was part of "2", so if you can't be bothered to read a long text, please skip it.
Well, OK desuka?

Itoi Shigesato' main inspiration for creating MOTHER was Dragon Quest.
Programme broadcasted on NHK Educational TV
INTERVIEWER - What was your motivation for making games?
ITOI - It's Horii-san's fault.

Before the release of MOTHER1, In a conversation with Yuji Horii, he talks at long length about how impressed he was with DQ.

*July '87 Advertising Review - Special Feature: The Great Famicom Study
ITOI - I've just started the second round of DQ2.
HORII - You like it. (Laughs)
ITOI - I changed the prince's name to "wee-wee". It's funny. Like, "My wee-wee took a beating." (Laughs), Like, "But what is this, brave wee-wee? Defeat do ill become you!", hilarious.*

Shigesato Itoi speaks happily.
The look on his face and the words he said were hardly those of a man over 30. In the NES game boom of the time, many TV personalities only submitted their plans and threw away the production itself. (Takeshi Kitano and Samma Akashiya are typical.) In contrast, Itoi did his best to make MOTHER. The essence of Dragon Quest has been sublimated in Itoi's style, bringing to fruition the world and adventures he envisaged.

The world Itoi envisages
I think there are many good things about the MOTHER series. Among them, I think many people like Itoi's unique humorous texts and his "world view”. The following text explores what lies at the heart of him humour and worldview.

MOTHER has the same auxiliary line all the way from 1 to 3.
There is, of course, the main line, Shigesato Itoi. We will now talk about what drew the lines of the world that Shigesato Itoi envisaged. On the whole, the world of 1 and 2 has many optimistic and Pollyanna side. That's why the horror of Moonside in the middle of the game and the last boss, Giygas, stand out so much. 3 was the opposite of 1/2, with a story that emphasized the darker side. The story of what that auxiliary line is, is at the core of this review.
Let's be frank. I mean, it's 落語/Rakugo.

What is "Rakugo"?
There are many different interpretations, and as I am not as well educated as Itoi, I will rely on the definitions of the Rakugo professional. 立川談志/Tachikawa Danshi. A master Rakugo storyteller who has been called a heretic in the world of Rakugo.
Danshi's Rakugo philosophy is that "Rakugo is an affirmation of human karma”. In other words, "Rakugo is a form of storytelling that acknowledges human weakness and stupidity, and depicts this humanity.” And, "Rakugo is the affirmation of non-common against common sense.” Last, he goes so far as to say.
"Anything that doesn't smell of Vice I don't enjoy as an 芸/art form."

Specific examples
A boss who cautions his subordinates but falls asleep with a pen in his hand.
A father who scolds his children for wasting money, but gambles himself into oblivion.

Example sentences
My neighbors' wife had an accident and her face was injured!
Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.
Then, a good doctor restored her face to its original state!
Oh, so you're back to normal? Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.

A case study of my own as I write this.
Me - "Mr. K, you always lie like you breathe!"
K-san - "Thanks to you I can't breathe!"
Me - "...I lost."

A scene from an online program. It's a low-key show with just two people: a scholar with a PhD in political science and the show's host. The scene is a commentary on the current news with the expert knowledge of the scholar.
Moderator - "O-san, You know a great deal about political science!
Dr.O with a bitter smile, paused for a moment and then said, "A little."

During the first bombing of London in 1940, part of a department store had been destroyed. The next morning a large sign was erected at the entrance, which read: 'Entrance extended from today'.

A foreign joke I learned recently that I thought was similar to Rakugo.
A word to Scotland, the only UK to lose at the 2019 Rugby World Cup.
'Brexit achieved.'

Lately I have been reading a little bit of Don Quixote, and I felt smell the Rakugo in it too. Putting them side by side, they seem to be no different from jokes from abroad. (laughs)

In Japan, 3 is not so popular compared to 2.
There is also the fact that the SNES is a legendary piece of gaming hardware compared to the GBA. But in the end, the conclusion is that the Japanese do not like dark stories. I think it's natural that people prefer to watch light-hearted and funny programmes rather than serious political dramas.
And, from what Itoi has said in conversations, he did not intend to make 3 as universally popular as 1/2 when he planned it.
* (Probably the content of this video has not been translated into English.)
ITOI - "It's like brother/eldest son who died in the war. I mean, there was a war. World War II, for example. He died on a kamikaze pilot. And eldest son's wife is a fan of MOTHER1/2. And MOTHER3 is eldest son's young brother. The mother of the eldest son, who was killed in the war, was living with his wife, and on one occasion said to her: ‘His brother is single too, why don't you marry him?'
Its young brother is MOTHER3. I mean, eldest son was really kind. He's manly, he's heartwarming, I can't say enough! Perfect!"
IJŪIN - "When people reminisce, they say, 'he was a good man!'"
ITOI - "If we had a お通夜(Otuya. Is that the English word for wake? Finnegans Wake) every day, we have a drink every day! In this context, the young brother says, 'Marry me'. That's what it means to bring MOTHER 3 into this world."
IJŪIN - "Why do you take the trouble to use such a confusing analogy?(laugh)"

MOTHER3, Shigesato Itoi, human beings, karma
Shigesato Itoi is Ninten/Ness/Lucas, Phone Papa/Flint, Giygas, Fassad and Porky.
He is never perfectly good. He was such a militant student activist that he was arrested by the police five times. And he is a man who had an affair and married his partner. (I writes things that would be very difficult to write in Japanese. Well, forgive me, Itoi-san, because it's public information that you can find on the internet.)
When talking about the Fassad, Itoi refers to Shinran's "Tannisho".
Itoi Actually, I haven't really prepared any answers about Fassad. So if you really want to know the answer, I'd like you to read the Tannisho and think it over.
- And that's where the mouse who's attached to Fassad comes in.
Itoi That's right. So MOTHER 3 might not appeal as much to people who can't enjoy gray areas. They'd just want to demand that characters are either good guys or bad guys. (laughs)

Itoi himself can be interpreted in terms of Tannisho, and so can I as I write this. And what about you? Perfectly good? Perfectly evil?
It is human nature to oscillate between these two extremes, and it is also human nature to continue to suffer from them. The theme of MOTHER 3 is pranks," says Itoi.
* 75:00~
ITOI - "As long as you have good and evil fighting each other, it's not interesting whether good wins or evil wins. What I like best is that it's funny. What would happen if everything in the world was based on good values alone? You can't live. I can't live either. On the other hand, we don't want the Sex Pistols to rule the world. I mean, you're enjoying classical music on one side of the room, but 'Poop!' or ‘Anarchista!', then the people who are just enjoying the music will lose their position."

So how can we overcome these polar opposites of good and evil? That is "Rakugo".
Danshi's definition of Rakugo, "the affirmation of human karma”. If I were to rephrase this into a word that even a person with no Rakugo education could understand, it would be "しょうがない/shouganai”. It is a Japanese word that is difficult to translate into English. Or, to put it another way, "That's life” or "That's human.” this is it?
In other words, we should try to forgive ourselves and others as much as possible for our inability to do so with a single word: "shouganai".
"To err is human, to forgive divine."
This is what the poet Alexander Pope wrote. I do not know what A. Pope’s intentions were when he wrote these words. But I feel that we are looking in the same direction as Rakugo.
Well, it's not as simple as that, and that's the REALITY.

Either there is a MOTHER 4 or there isn't!
* 98:00~
ITOI - "There is no MOTHER 4! FOOOO!" (He's imitating a comedian who was popular at the time.)*

Once again, I think you can see that there will never be a "MOTHER 4". It's each (points at) your job!*

In fact, MOTHER 4 has already been made.
Undertale, LISA, Yume Nikki, OMORI. In some ways, the Pokémon series may be the most famous MOTHER4.
They are MOTHER 4 if you look at the many children of MOTHER being born. If you say that MOTHER without Shigesato Itoi is not MOTHER, you are right, but MOTHER4 can be made without him. If you want to get the unique humour of MOTHER, I think the above text is the small answer. I hope this will be of some help to you.

That's all! Happy New Year. This is my New Year's gift(お年玉/Otoshidama) to you.


Reviewed on Jan 02, 2022


2 years ago

マザー2―ひみつのたからばこ/Mother 2 - Secret Treasure Box
Unread. This is a strategy book, which seems to be a beautiful introduction to the world of the MOTHER, with pictures of American streets in the 80s and 90s. Premier book. The price is five times the regular price.

Shinran "Tannisho"
A disciple's written transcription of words said to have been said by Shinran. It is said to be similar to Martin Luther. Several books have been published comparing the two.

Agota Kristof "Le grand cahier"
One of the ideas of "3". On pranks.

Danshi Tachikawa "Modern Rakugo Theory"
"Modern", but this book was published in 1965. However, Rakugo is a classical art form and what is written in this book is still applicable today. I have written about Danshi's definition of Rakugo in the text, but in his later years Danshi's definition of Rakugo was that “Rakugo is an illusion". Have you gone mad in your old age? (Danshi's art style is such a poisonous one that some people still dislike it.)

Yoshizo Kawamori "Esprit and Humour"
This book contrasts the French spirit, British humour and other European countries' humour. Also American jokes. It was a funny book, which is unusual for Iwanami Shoten, which only publishes serious classics and academic books.

Jun Sakura "Yugami-kun Doesn't Have Any Friends"
As far as I know, this is the manga that most successfully sublimates the essence of Rakugo.

Table of contents for MOTHER
An article about MOTHER on the internet site run by Shigesato Itoi.

Shigesato Itoi Interview with NINTENDO DREAM
English translation

Itoi: "I want to live in the world of Rakugo"

Itoi and the student movement
Speaking of the left and student movement, I read an editorial saying that FF7 was also affected by it. The Avalanche is similar to the East Asia Anti-Japan Armed Front. The opinion that Jesse looks like one of the members(Ayako Daidouji), for example. You'll have to ask the main writer, Kazushige Nojima, to find out more.

A collection of MOTHER dialogues, mostly in Japanese. The English version has stopped being updated because the site owner gave up halfway through.

Programme broadcasted on NHK Educational TV

Video of a conversation between Shigesato Itoi and Hikaru Ijuin right after the release of MOTHER3
Hikaru Ijuin is a television personality. He is known as the emperor of radio programs and is a great talker. I listened to a lot of his radio programmes and laughed a lot. By the way, he is a former Rakugo storyteller. He was a pupil of Sanyutei Enraku. I can understand why he felt the same way about the world of MOTHER.
Sound only

2 years ago

Sentences that didn't make it in
In a word, "Itoi's brain-->Rakugo-->MOTHER world".

I think the HP drum roll in 2 is a great invention in RPGs.

I think the metaphor of "walking the earth" is right.

Satoshi Iwata's episode in 2 is amazing to read again and again.

The human brain is a strange thing. For me, the world of MOTHER2 is as big or bigger than that of The Witcher 3 or CYBERPUNK 2077's Night City. Of course, the latter is definitely bigger in terms of data capacity. But still, the world of MOTHER2 is bigger for me. What a wonder!

My complaints about 3
The sense of travel has diminished. In other words, the world feels smaller. Other than that, I have no complaints.

I cried three times in 3. The last boss battle. End roll. And when I dropped and lost my limited edition Game Boy Micro and MOTHER3 software... It's true.
It is with some regret that I have turned my review of MOTHER3 into a Guardian Digger. But 3 theme is right because it's about pranks. It's my way of getting back at Shigesato Itoi!

The unfortunate games that got caught up in because of 3's numbering.
I'm happy with this pranks, looking away from the fact that the address is rating:6.

Magypsy are in Japan. They are mainly found in Shinjuku 2-chome. Where can we find you in your country?

A certain snake: “Like it or hate it, do I have to decide?"

閣下(Pronounced caca/kaka)
It is used as a term of endearment for persons of high rank and importance, especially military personnel such as marshals and generals. When a Japanese politician met with Vladimir Putin, he referred to him as "Putin閣下", which apparently created a strange atmosphere in the room.

MOTHER itself is a child of Dragon Quest. FF too. In this sense, Metal Max is the most rebellious child, lol. Dragon Quest is the child of Wizardry and Ultima, and that Wizardry is the child of D&D. D&D would have had parents.

2 years ago

Haha thank you for all those info bits. Itoi is such an interesting person, a lot of the time people that have more of a rebellious side are also some of the most creative. On wikipedia i saw that he competed in the world championship of the Monopoly boardgame? That's a random tidbit that i didn't expect and found funny. With what you shown from interviews i can easily see how he could make such an unique gameseries.

No wonder i like Mother 3 the most. If stories in any medium are really black and white i don't really mind it if it's done well, but gray areas is something i'm fascinated by in stories. I think those be the most emotionally loaded (more so than black and white) and can even give new insights to people. I have to say some series and games (western too) i had a strong emotional reaction with their setup and worldbuilding until they exaggerated parts (a lot of the times the main villain for some reason, maybe to make thing less scary/dark?). Sometimes it hurts stories that went for a more serious tone. I found your review of the Witcher 3 really informative in that regard. You also cleared up Rakugo a bit more for me. I played that murdercase about Rakugo in ace attorney duel destinies and back then i didn't really grasp what it was about.

Anyhow, happy new year to you as well and thank you for the informative review! It must have taken you a while to make.

2 years ago

Oops i meant ace attorney 6 spirit of justice my bad!

2 years ago

For a long time, I didn't understand the meaning of the name of the character Monotoli in 2. (Monotoli, who kidnapped Paula at the Fourside)
Itoi-san is a truly delightful person. What made me laugh the most was the fact that had been digging holes for years to find Tokugawa Shogunate buried treasure. The character digging a hole in the desert in MOTHER2/EarthBound is Itoi-san's self-deprecation. He dug a hole for a long time, with the help of a TV station, but he didn't find any gold or diamonds. (laugh) Of course, the Guardian Digger didn't show up either, lol.

Yeah, it's true that Witcher 3 is a lot of a gray area. The situation, the characters, the choices the player makes through Geralt, everything is a grey area. I would like to play again.

I think it's similar to the way we like to season our food to see which we like best, MOTHER1/2/3. It's a distribution of lightness and darkness. Salt and pepper. If they're not happy with 1 or 2, they might say, "I prefer a darker taste!”. On the other hand, if they're not happy with 3, maybe they're worried about their blood sugar level. To use this metaphor, my complaint about "3" is: “Delicious, but the plate is small!”

I didn't know there was a story involving Rakugo in Ace Attorney. I can easily imagine the pain translator went through, lol.

It was hard, but I wrote the review with willpower and pride. The willpower of MOTHER's native language player. But it's not every day that I write such a long review. On my list of games, the rest of the long-text reviews are Persona5R, 13 Sentinels, ToHeart2(Including TH1 postscript) and DISCO ELYSIUM, these four? DE may not be able to... (looking into the distance)

To another good year!

2 years ago

Chiming in to say that in Russian "kaka" is a childish term for poop (full word: kakashka), so Putin閣下 sounds like "putin shit".

I found the connection between rakugo and mother 2's writing really informative. It makes sense!

Based on your description of that connection, I would describe that illusive thing you're talking about (especially with regard to the game) as also kind of using irony to irreverently portray the humor and foolishness inherent or inevitable to the act of creating any kind of human system of order, understanding, system, or logical construction. In order to create rules, laws, and logic or reason, there must be something foolish kept outside to be separated from that inevitably reveals itself by omission. I also think it's like growing so old that you grow really young again. Like if you had all of an adult's knowledge of the world and what exists in it by demand of human creation and understanding, but had a child's perspective and "uncommon sense" as you put it, to see it for what it isn't supposed to be, but as a result of it not supposed to be those things, what it inevitably is.

2 years ago

dwardman-san Ssshhhhh... OsoRussia...

I will reply with my thoughts(but relying on the ideas of Lao Tzu.), which I fear may not be in the context you want. In my opinion, is it a sense that good and evil(including light and dark, chaos and order, etc.) are not separate, but connected, and that we observe their polarities as a whole?
This is the so-called Yin-Yang theory.
When the dualism of good and evil is high-functioning, problems will be solved at breakneck speed. At the same time, however, they often cause serious accidents. Isn't there a buffer zone for that switch on and off? The kind of perspective that gives you the ability to make decisions that capture the threshold/gray zone of the switch and identify where the balancing point is if the threshold is crossed. Is it a like bird's eye/objective view.
I'm getting confused writing this myself... And I feel like I've gone beyond the realm of games and wandered into the realm of philosophy. lol
Finally, I'm going to quote Lao Tzu to get away with it (laughs).

It was when the Great Way declined
That human kindness and morality arose;
It was when intelligence and knowledge appeared
That the Great Artifice began.
It was when the six near ones were no longer at peace
That there was talk of 'dutiful sons';
Nor till fatherland was dark with strife
Did we hear of 'loyal slaves'.
"Tao Te Ching" CHAPTER XVIII Translated by Arthur Waley

2 years ago

COLUMN "Shigesato Itoi and Evil Mani-Mani"
The Japanese name for Dusty Dunes Desert is DokoDoko Desert. DokoDoko means ‘Where?Where?'
Mt. Akagi in Gunma Prefecture, which was the excavation site of buried treasure if the Dokodoko desert is compared with the name of a real Japanese place. Fourside is Tokyo(bubble economy era), a short distance from Gunma Prefecture.

The identity of the Mani Mani statue is the subject of many hypotheses.
1. Interpreted as a critique or irony of (excessive) capitalism and money-grubbing.
2. “(God’s/kami) will be done.” 「神の御心のま(に)まに」Kami no mikokoro no ma(ni)mani.
3. Manichaeism
4. Máni in Norse mythology
5. manipulation
6. manie, manier (French)
Up to 6 hypotheses were found in this link.
7. The hypothesis I was most convinced of after searching the internet.
The true identity of the Mani Mani devil is the golden statue of Tokugawa Ieyasu that Itoi has been searching for all his life. Or a mixture of 1 and 7.
At that time, Japan was in a bubble economy and people, including Mr Itoi, were mad with money. In 1995, a year after the release of MOTHER2, the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake occurred, and shortly after that the Tokyo subway sarin attack by Aum Shinrikyo occurred. (Happy Happyism is not only modeled on the KKK, but also on the Aum Shinrikyo, I think.)

あるとしか言えない―赤城山徳川埋蔵金発掘と激闘の記録/All I can say is that there is( a golden statue.) A record of the excavation and fierce battle for the Mt.Akagi Tokugawa buried treasure
I would like a rakugo storyteller who is good friends with Itoi-san to create a new rakugo story about this. The title should be "Golden Statue" or "All I can say is that there is".

The part that made me laugh the most when I was researching the above information.
With the help of a self-proclaimed psychic, he estimated the location of the deposits and attempted to excavate them on a large scale using heavy machinery.

The copywriter in this game is Itoi.

Reference links