Log Status






Time Played

10h 40m

Days in Journal

12 days

Last played

December 16, 2023

First played

October 20, 2023

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


I don’t know if I was in the wrong mindset, but personally this game left a “meh” impression on me.

I finished it, but it did feel like there were times I booted it up just to get some levels done so that I could eventually beat the game.

Don’t get me wrong, there were wondrous moments, and I loved the numerous whimsical elements, such as the trippy Wonder Flower stages, the fun enemies, and the talking flowers. However, it felt like I was having a lot of ideas thrown at me but it wasn’t necessarily put together in a cohesive way nor did any of the mechanics build upon each other. It was as if every level was built in isolation with the only rule being, keep the thematic design in check to match the world you are in. There were several moments where I enjoyed a particular level’s gimmick, only to discover that was the only level you were going to see it in.

Design wise, it’s beautiful and I applause the animators on this one. All the details of the characters movements were smile inducing to say the least and I love it when a game pays attention to the small details.

The music was good… but I don’t think it has staying power like the classic Mario games I grew up with and to this day still catch myself humming while I’m focusing on an unrelated task.

I know it seems like I’m harsh on the game. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed the experience but overall it felt average to me. Perhaps coming back to it in the future when the hype has died off, I will re-evaluate how I feel about it.